UKPSC RO ARO Syllabus 2025 detailed syllabus, exam pattern & salary structure

UKPSC RO ARO Syllabus 2025: The Uttarakhand Public Service Commission (UKPSC) is the body that decides on its UKPSC RO ARO Syllabus and Exam Pattern for all stages of the selection procedure.

UKPSC RO ARO Syllabus 2025, check here all details

Candidates who are studying to take exam UKPSC RO ARO Exam should go through the most recent syllabus and exam pattern in order to prepare accordingly.

In this article, we have included the subject-specific UKPSC RO ARO Syllabus to be used for Exams like the Prelims, Mains, and Practical Test.

We also provide details of the UKPSC RO ARO exam format to help you understand the marking system, type of questions, and other information.

UKPSC RO ARO Syllabus 2025
UKPSC RO ARO Syllabus 2025

UKPSC RO ARO Syllabus 2025: For Prelims

The exam for prelims has the following questions: General Studies and General Aptitude. The full UKPSC RO ARO syllabus to be used for Prelims is as the following:

Also Read: KCET Syllabus 2025 detailed syllabus & Kcet exam date here

UKPSC RO ARO Syllabus – Prelims
I – General StudiesGeneral Studies And Computer Knowledge 

History Of India And The Indian National Movement

Indian Polity And Economy

Geography And Demography Of India

Current Events

History Of Uttarakhand

Culture Of Uttarakhand

Geography And Demography Of Uttarakhand

Economic, Political And Administrative Background Of Uttarakhand

Economic And Natural Resources
II- General AptitudeGeneral Intelligence

Verbal And Non Verbal Reasoning


Similarities, Differences

Space Visualization


Analysis, Judgement, Decision Making

Visual Memory



Relationship Concepts

Arithmetical Reasoning

Verbal And Figure Classification And Number Series. 

The test will also include questions designed to test the candidate’s abilities to deal with abstract ideas, symbols and their relationships, arithmetical computations and other analytical functions

UKPSC RO ARO Syllabus 2025: For Mains

The RO ARO UKPSC Syllabus to be used for the Principals Paper I, Paper II and Paper III has been detailed in the following table.

UKPSC RO ARO Syllabus Mains
I – General StudiesGeneral Science and Technology 

Basic knowledge of computer and its application in the development 

History and Culture of India and Uttarakhand

Indian National Movement, Relation with other Countries (Specially neighboring Countries) after Independence

Geography and Population of India and Uttarakhand

Disaster management and mitigation (ecosystem, environment and natural calamities

Indian Polity and Economy

Polity of Uttarakhand, Panchayati Raj Act

Economy of Uttarakhand

Current Affairs
II – Hindi Composition
(हिंदी संरचना )
गद्यांश का उचित शीर्षक,सारांश तथा गद्यांश के रेखांकित अंशों की व्याख्या

पत्र का सारिणिरूप में सार लेखन


पारिभाषिक शब्दावली रूपांतरण: १० शब्द अंग्रेजी से हिंदी

रूपांतरण: १० शब्द हिंदी से अंग्रेजी 
III- EssayEssay writing in English/ Hindi on one topic from each of the following sections:
(i) Literature and Culture (ii) Social Issues (iii) Political Issues
(i) Science, Environment and Technology (ii) Economy (ii) Agriculture and Trade
(i) National & International Events (ii) Natural Disasters (iii) National Development Policies

Uttarakhand PSC Review Officer & Assistant Review Officer Exam Pattern 2025

Exam patterns provide specifics about the weightage of each section, the marking scheme, the type of questions and exam time. It is important to know the details to be able to prepare effectively. The RO ARO UKPSC Exam pattern that is applicable to The Prelims & Mains sections is provided below for your convenience.

UKPSC RO ARO Exam Pattern for Prelims

The prelims exam will be an objective test. It is the UKPSC RO ARO exam pattern is explained below.

  • Weightage in that Prelims Exam is 150 marks.
  • The duration of the exam is two hours.

UKPSC RO ARO Exam Pattern for Mains

The Mains Exam comprises objective as and descriptive type questions. Take a look at here for UKPSC RO ARO exam pattern for the Mains Exam below.

UKPSC RO ARO Typing Test

The typing test to be used for UKPSC RO ARO Recruitment will include the following tests: UKPSC RO Recruitment test will consist of one or more of the tests below:

  • Hindi Typing: 4000 kdph
  • English Typesetting (Optional) ARO – 8000 kdph, 9000 kdph in ARO.
  • The test duration will be 10 minutes.

Prior to registering in an UKPSC RO ARO test applicants should be informed regarding their UKPSC RO ARO salaries as well as the job profile, since it’s an extremely important elements in the work. Uttarakhand Public Service Commission (UKPSC) is scheduled to keep up-to-date its UKPSC RO ARO pay scale and information on the official web site of its organization.

Review Officer & Assistant Review Officer Salary Structure 2025

The fundamental UKPSC RO ARO pay has been discussed previously. Apart from the pay, there are additional allowances anticipated to be granted to candidates who are selected by UKPSC. These costs are not part of the pay structure.

S.No.Post NamePay ScaleGrade PayAllowances
1Review Officer (RO)INR 47,600/- to INR 1,51,100/-INR 4,800/-TA, DA, HRA , etc.
2Assistant Review Officer (ARO)INR 44,900/- to INR 1,42,400/-INR 4,600/-TA, DA, HRA, etc.

UKPSC RO ARO Salary Slip

UKPSC RO ARO Salary Slip is an official document that is released by the authorities every month for all candidates who are appointed to this position. It is a vital document that outlines what is the UKPSC RO salary scale. It also includes allowances and deductions like taxes, PF, etc. This document is the foundation for financial planning by the applicant and provides that the compensation is transparent.

Also Read: UKPSC RO ARO Hall ticket 2025 officially out, Direct Download link here

UKPSC RO ARO Job Profile

Understanding about the UKPSC RO ARO job description is just as important as knowing the specifics of the pay. Candidates must be aware of the tasks they’re expected to fulfill after being offered the position. The duties include:

  • The review officer (RO) is responsible for keeping record of files, such as the diary and other documents, as well as preparing demand letters and open file records within the sections that are allocated to them.
  • They must assist the AROs sometimes in separating or comparing fresh copies of the documents etc.
  • R.O should ensure the secrecy of manuals and documents that pertain to the particular section and department.
  • They will deposit the files and give them to the relevant office upon selecting.
  • The Assistant Review Officer needs to be a clerical or Typist at the office in case there isn’t any clerk or typist hired in the office.
  • ARO is responsible for monitoring the performance of manuals, documents make new copies, and prepare specific letters
  • ARO aids the review officer in coordinating manuals and other tasks within the department.
  • Monitoring waiting registrations and presenting waiting file on the date assigned to the assistants.

UKPSC RO ARO Allowances

There are particular perks and other benefits that go along with salary. UKPSC RO salary. Some of the benefits that are offered to selected candidates include:

  • Earned Leave
  • Social Insurance
  • Medical Care
  • TDB and PDB
  • Pension Benefit
  • Unemployment Compensation
  • Night-Shift Allowance

Uttarakhand PSC Review Officer & Assistant Review Officer Career Growth and Promotion

The candidates who are selected for their performance at their job will be eligible to advance to higher levels. The promotion will result in an increase in their current UKPSC RO ARO salaries and benefits based on the promotion they received. But, prior to the promotion is granted, eligible candidates need take a test in order before they can be promoted. If they succeed in passing the test, they are promoted.

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