TS TET Paper 1 Syllabus 2025: As stated above, the TSTET Syllabus varies for Paper 1 and Paper 2. Have a look at the detailed subject-wise syllabus of both papers below.
TS TET Syllabus 2025 for Paper 1
The TS TET syllabus for Paper 1 comprises topics from Child Development and Pedagogy, Language-I, Language-II, Mathematics, and Environmental Studies. Go through the detailed section-wise syllabus below:
TS TET Paper 1 Syllabus 2025
TSTET Paper 1 Child Development and Pedagogy Syllabus
Development of child
- Development, Growth & Maturation – Concept & Nature
- Principles of Development & their Educational Implications
- Factors Influencing Development – Biological, Psychological, Sociological
- Dimensions of Development and their interrelationships – Physical & Motor, Cognitive, Emotional, Social, Moral, and Language relating to Infancy, early Childhood, late Childhood, and Adolescence.
- Understanding Development – Piaget, Kohlberg, Chomsky, Carl Rogers and Erikson
- Individual differences – Intra & Inter Individual differences in the areas of Attitudes, Aptitude, Interest, Habits, Thinking (Divergent & Convergent), Intelligence and their Assessment
- Development of Personality – Concept, Factors affecting the development of Personality, Child Rearing Practices, Self-Concept
- Adjustment, Behavioral problems, Defense Mechanisms, Mental Health
- Methods and Approaches of Child Development – Introspection, Observation, Interview, Case study, Experimental, Rating Scales, Anecdotal Records, Questionnaire, Cross-sectional and Longitudinal
- Developmental Tasks and Hazards
Understanding Learning
- Concept, Nature of Learning – Input – Process – Outcome
- Factors of Learning – Personal and Environmental
- Approaches to Learning and their applicability – Behaviorism (Skinner, Pavlov, Thorndike), Constructivism (Piaget, Vygotsky), Gestalt (Kohler, Koffka) and Observational (Bandura)
- Dimensions of Learning – Cognitive, Affective and Performance
- Motivation and Sustenance -its role in learning.
- Memory & Forgetting
- Transfer of Learning
Pedagogical Concerns
- Teaching and its Relationship with Learning and Learners
- Learners in Contexts: Situating learners in the socio-political and cultural context
- Children from diverse contexts – Children With Special Needs (CWSN), Inclusive Education
- Understanding of Pedagogic methods – Enquiry based learning, Project-based learning, Survey, Observation and Activity based learning, Co-operative & Collaborative learning
- Individual and Group learning: Issues and concerns with respect to organizing learning in the classroom like Study habits, Self-learning and Learning to learn skills
- Organizing learning in heterogeneous classroom groups – Socio-economic background, Abilities and Interests
- Paradigms of organizing Learning – Teacher centric, Subject centric and Learner centric
- Theory of Instruction – Bruner
- Teaching as Planned Activity – Elements of Planning
- Phases of Teaching – Pre active, Interactive and Post active
- General and Subject related skills, competencies required in teaching and attributes of a good facilitator
- Learning Resources – Self, Home, School, Play, Community, Technology
- Classroom Management: Role of the student, teacher, the Leadership style of the teacher, Creation of a non-threatening learning environment, Managing behaviour problems, Guidance & Counseling, Child Abuse, Punishment and its legal implications, Rights of a child, Time Management
- The distinction between Assessment for Learning & Assessment of Learning, School-based Assessment, Continuous & Comprehensive Evaluation: Perspective & Practice
- Understanding Teaching & Learning in the Context of NCF, 2005 & Right To Education Act, 2009
Language-I Syllabus: TS TET Paper 1 Syllabus 2025
The TSTET Paper 1 syllabus for Language-I differs as per the language chosen by the candidates from the given choices:
- Telugu
- Urdu
- Hindi
- Bengali
- Kannada
- Marathi
- Tamil
- Gujarati
TS TET Paper 1 Language-II (English) Syllabus
- Parts of speech
- Tenses
- Types of sentences
- Prepositions & articles
- Degrees of comparison
- Direct and indirect speech
- Questions and question tags
- Active & passive voice
- Phrasal verbs
- Reading comprehension
- Composition
- Vocabulary
- Meaning of idiomatic expressions
- Correction of sentences
- Sequencing of the sentences in the given paragraph
- Error identification within a sentence
- Aspects of English:- (a) English language – History, nature, importance, principles of English as a second language (b) Problems of teaching/learning English
- Objectives of Teaching English
- Phonetics
- Development of Language skills:- (a) Listening, Speaking, Reading & Writing (LSRW), (b) Communicative skills
- Approaches, Methods, and Techniques of Teaching English
- Introduction, Definition, and Types of Approaches Methods and Techniques of Teaching English and Remedial Teaching
- The teaching of structures and vocabulary items
- Teaching-learning materials in English
- Lesson Planning
- Curriculum & Textbooks
- Evaluation in English language Teaching – CCE
TS TET Paper 1 Mathematics Syllabus
The TS TET syllabus for Mathematics includes topics from the following sections:
- Number System
- Fractions
- Arithmetic
- Geometry
- Measurements
- Data Applications
- Algebra
- Pedagogy
TS TET Paper 1 Environmental Studies Syllabus
The TS TET syllabus for Environmental Studies (EVS) includes topics from the following sections:
- Family
- Work & Play
- Plants and Animals
- Food
- Shelter
- Air
- Energy
- Water
- Body – Health – Cleanliness
- Mapping
- History and Culture of India
- Telangana
- Indian constitution
- Earth Quakes, Floods, Fire, First Aid, 108, 104 Vehicles
- Pedagogy
TS TET Syllabus 2025 for Paper 2
The TSTET syllabus for Paper 2 comprises topics from Child Development and Pedagogy, Language-I, Language-II and Mathematics and Science or Social Studies. Go through the detailed section-wise syllabus below:
TS TET Paper 2 Child Development and Pedagogy Syllabus
Development of child
- Development, Growth & Maturation – Concept & Nature
- Principles of Development & their Educational Implications
- Factors Influencing Development – Biological, Psychological, Sociological
- Dimensions of Development and their interrelationships – Physical & Motor, Cognitive, Emotional, Social, Moral, Language relating to Infancy, early Childhood, late Childhood, and Adolescence.
- Understanding Development – Piaget, Kohlberg, Chomsky, Carl Rogers and Erikson
- Individual differences – Intra & Inter Individual differences in the areas of Attitudes, Aptitude, Interest, Habits, Thinking (Divergent & Convergent), Intelligence and their Assessment
- Development of Personality – Concept, Factors affecting the development of Personality, Child Rearing Practices, Self-Concept
- Adjustment, Behavioral problems, Defense Mechanisms, Mental Health
- Methods and Approaches of Child Development – Introspection, Observation, Interview, Case study, Experimental, Rating Scales, Anecdotal Records, Questionnaire, Cross-sectional and Longitudinal
- Developmental Tasks and Hazards
Understanding Learning
- Concept, Nature of Learning – Input – Process – Outcome
- Factors of Learning – Personal and Environmental
- Approaches to Learning and their applicability – Behaviorism (Skinner, Pavlov, Thorndike), Constructivism (Piaget, Vygotsky), Gestalt (Kohler, Koffka) and Observational (Bandura)
- Dimensions of Learning – Cognitive, Affective and Performance
- Motivation and Sustenance -its role in learning.
- Memory & Forgetting
- Transfer of Learning
Pedagogical Concerns
- Teaching and its Relationship with Learning and Learners
- Learners in Contexts: Situating learners in the socio-political and cultural context
- Children from diverse contexts – Children With Special Needs (CWSN), Inclusive Education
- Understanding of Pedagogic methods – Enquiry based learning, Project-based learning, Survey, Observation and Activity based learning, Co-operative & Collaborative learning
- Individual and Group learning: Issues and concerns with respect to organizing learning in the classroom like Study habits, Self-learning and Learning to learn skills
- Organizing learning in heterogeneous classroom groups – Socio-economic background, Abilities and Interests
- Paradigms of organizing Learning – Teacher centric, Subject centric and Learner centric
- Theory of Instruction – Bruner
- Teaching as Planned Activity – Elements of Planning
- Phases of Teaching – Pre active, Interactive and Post active
- General and Subject related skills, competencies required in teaching and attributes of a good facilitator
- Learning Resources – Self, Home, School, Play, Community, Technology
- Classroom Management: Role of the student, teacher, the Leadership style of the teacher, Creation of a non-threatening learning environment, Managing behaviour problems, Guidance & Counseling, Child Abuse, Punishment and its legal implications, Rights of a child, Time Management
- The distinction between Assessment for Learning & Assessment of Learning, School-based Assessment, Continuous & Comprehensive Evaluation: Perspective & Practice
- Understanding Teaching & Learning in the Context of NCF, 2005 & Right To Education Act, 2009
TSTET Paper 2 Language-I Syllabus
The TS TET Paper 2 syllabus for Language-I differs as per the language chosen by the candidates from the given choices:
- Telugu
- Urdu
- Hindi
- Kannada
- Marathi
- Tamil
- Gujarati
TS TET Paper 2 Language-II English Syllabus
- Parts of speech
- Tenses
- Types of sentences
- Prepositions & articles
- Degrees of comparison
- Direct and indirect speech
- Questions and question tags
- Active & passive voice
- Verbs
- Reading comprehension
- Vocabulary
- Meaning of idiomatic expressions
- Correction of sentences
- Sequencing of the sentences in the given paragraph
- Error identification within a sentence
- Conjunction
- Antonyms, Synonyms and Spellings
- Composition – letter writing – precise writing
- Pedagogy
TS TET Paper 2 Mathematics & Science Syllabus
The TS TET syllabus for Mathematics includes topics from the following sections:
- Number System
- Trigonometry
- Arithmetic
- Sets
- Geometry
- Mensuration
- Data Handling
- Algebra
- Pedagogy
The TS TET syllabus for Science includes topics from the following sections:
- Natural Resources – Air, Water
- Our Universe
- Natural Phenomenon
- Mechanics – Kinematics, Dynamics
- Magnetism and Electricity
- Matter around us
- Laws of Chemical Combination and Chemical Calculations
- Atomic Structure
- Periodic classification and chemical bonding
- Metallurgy
- Biology
- Living World
- Plant World
- Animal World
- Microbes
- Recent Trends in Biology
- Pedagogy
TS TET Paper 2 Social Studies Syllabus
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The TS TET syllabus for Social Studies includes topics from the following sections:
- Diversity on the earth
- Production – exchange and livelihoods
- Political Systems and Governance
- Social organization and inequities
- Religion and Society
- Culture and communication
- Pedagogy