CBSE Board Exams FAQs 2025: Are you preparing to take part in CBSE Board Exams 2025 and have a myriad of questions in your head? Do not fret, we’ve addressed all the questions that students have asked prior to the beginning of the CBSE Board Exams.
CBSE Board Exams FAQs 2025, Complete Guide through the FAQs
Appearing for the CBSE Board Exams 2025? Don’t worry, we have you covered! As exam dates are nearing students are likely to be working at their absolute best and will be asking lots of CBSE Board Exams FAQs 2025. The most frequently asked questions are: will marks be cut if you exceed the limit of words? Are pre-board marks included in the final score?
To assist students with questions for clarification, to help students with their questions, the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has provided important questions on its official website i.e., We have updated them to make them more understandable. These questions will help clear students’ confusion and increase their confidence levels. Students in both classes 10th and 12th students are urged to remain calm, review regularly, and believe in their abilities.
CBSE Board Exams FAQs 2025
Based on the recently released exam schedule The CBSE classes 10th and 12th Board examinations for the academic year 2024-25 start on February 15th. The tests will be held in the traditional pen and paper style at various examination centers. CBSE Board Exams FAQs 2025 For the Class 10 exam, most subjects will have a theoretical paper that is worth 80 marks as well as an internal test that is 20 marks. The paper contains objective type (MCQs) and short-answer questions. and questions with long answers.

In Class 12 the test format varies for each subject. The majority of subjects will include a 70- or 80-mark paper in theory and practical or internal tests comprising the remainder. The exams include questions based on cases, assertion reasoning questions, MCQs and descriptive questions. The duration of the two classes is generally three hours. Students must look over CBSE rules for more specific subject pattern.
Important FAQs
Q1. Is a failure in the board examination pre-requisite, mean it is not possible to take the Board exam?
Answer: Exams for board exams before the exam help students assess the preparation level they will need for the final board examinations. If a student fulfills the other requirements, they will not be denied the board examinations. Even if a student scored low on pre-boards tests however, this does not affect their results on the board exam.
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Q2. I am very concerned when my classmates say they have re-read the entire syllabus three times. I’ve only completed it even once. What do I do?
Answer: Don’t panic. The board suggests students remain calm and concentrate on their study. Do not compare your work to other students, set an easy schedule for your day and adhere to it. Be sure to study regularly and revisit what you’ve learned. Continuous practice will allow you to master the syllabus. Be positive and don’t be rushed.
Q3. Do marks from the pre-board exam are considered in CBSE Board Class 12th and 10th examinations?
Answer: No, pre-board exam marks are not included in the marks for board exams. According to CBSE the scores of pre-board exams don’t affect the final exam results. These exams are meant to training and can assist students to prepare for the examination. Only the marks of the final exam will be used for the official score. Thus, the pre-board marks are only for self-evaluation.
CBSE Board Exams 2025: Important FAQs
Q4. Do you lose points for excessively writing or making mistakes with spelling in exams for language?
Answer: No, you won’t lose marks if you write over the limit of words. If you do make mistakes with spelling or grammar on your test the marks will be removed. Although you are able to write longer than the required amount, it’s essential to avoid errors in grammar and spelling because they could affect your scores on the language tests.
Q5. Are there any key chapters to be focused on to get better scores on your CBSE Board Exams?
Answer CBSE isn’t a fan of study that is selective. The entire syllabus of each topic is crucial and students must study the entire syllabus. Knowing the fundamentals is essential for a successful exam. Do not skimp chapters. concentrate on learning the entire subject thoroughly, since it will help you get better marks.
Q6. What can a student do in case they write poorly and aren’t able to finish the test on time?
Answer: To write faster students must practice writing frequently. Prior to answering any questions, students need to think about their ideas. If they’re running short of time, they can compose responses in bullet points. It’s essential not to skim all questions even if you don’t have enough time to write thorough responses.
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CBSE Board Exams 2025: Important FAQs
Q7. In the days before exams there’s usually reports that exam papers have been leaked and are being shared on social media.
Answer: The CBSE advises students not to believe in these rumors or unverified news. They have a safe examination system. If students receive incorrect information, they must immediately contact the board via phone or email to report it.
Q8. Do you receive additional marks for a successful presentation during the CBSE test?
Answer On the CBSE exam, you won’t receive additional marks simply for having an organized presentation. But, it is recommended to keep your answers neat and well-organized. Important points should be highlighted so that they stand out. This allows the examiner to understand your answer quickly, however the marks will not be given for presentation only.